Through his own death in 1995, Micah McElveen's eyes were opened. Dying for Purpose delivers a fresh perspective on pain, purpose, and mission. Readers are challenged to rethink the role of struggle and success here on earth. The story weaves in and out of dreamscape as we follow Micah from the back seat of a Ford Explorer to a concrete hut in Africa. Dying for Purpose will not only encourage you to live but to live with everything you've got.
Alive to Make a Difference
To learn about the mission behind the story, visit VaporMinistries.org
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Are you looking for direction? Do you want your life and your work to matter? Dying for Purpose by @micahmcelveen delivers - providing purpose, needed perspective, and much more. Such a good read, get your copy today. All proceeds transform lives in extreme poverty through @VaporMinistries #dyingforpurpose #greatread #getyourcopy
Wow. If you are looking for inspiration and purpose, look no further than this book. Dying for Purpose by @micahmcelveen packs a punch of truth, adventure, and hope for anyone in need of any. And all proceeds transform lives in extreme poverty through @VaporMinistries #dyingforpurpose #greatread #getyourcopy
Feel stuck? Need purpose? Looking for answers? Dying for Purpose by @micahmcelveen delivers! This book will inspire you to maximize your impact on the world around you. And all proceeds transform lives in extreme poverty through @VaporMinistries #dyingforpurpose #greatread #getyourcopy
What a read! SO excited to order my copy of Dying for Purpose by @micahmcelveen today! We all struggle from time to time with feelings of uncertainty or listlessness, I know I have. Finding true purpose is attainable, and this book can help you figure out yours! And all proceeds transform lives in extreme poverty through @VaporMinistries #dyingforpurpose #greatread #getyourcopy